M.O.R.E. Ordinance
What is the M.O.R.E. Ordinance?
The 'Milwaukee Opportunities for Restoring Employment' (MORE) Ordinance is an essential tool for bringing economic recovery to Milwaukee's Main Street.
Essentially the MORE Ordinance extends the City's Resident Preference Program (RPP) and Emerging Business Enterprise Program (EBE) provisions to private development projects seeking financial assistance from Milwaukee's taxpayers. The ordinance includes a prevailing wage requirement as well as increased apprenticeship training and job opportunities for residents of Milwaukee's poorest neighborhoods. The ordinance also provides a contracting advantage for businesses located in Milwaukee. Click here for a more detailed summary of the MORE Ordinance.
The MORE ordinance is the culmination of more than a year's worth of work by members of the Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods Coalition (GJLN) and Milwaukee Innercity Congregations allied for Hope (MICAH). On March 25, 2009, eight alderpersons voted in favor of the MORE ordinance, resulting in its passage. MICAH is grateful for their leadership in addressing the job crisis facing the City of Milwaukee, and for the support of Mayor Tom Barrett. The ordinance was also endorsed by the NAACP, the Milwaukee County Labor Council, The Milwaukee Building Trades Council, the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, and many other local organizations.
How did your elected official vote on this issue of vital importance to the economic recovery of our city?
By clicking on the link below, you can identify your aldermanic district.
Use the list below to see how your elected official voted on the MORE ordinance.
Ald. Ashanti Hamilton, Ald. Nik Kovac, Jennifer Epps of Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods and Ald. Milele Coggs at Press Conference introducing M.O.R.E. Ordinance, Sept. 9, 2008 [Ald. Willie Wade present, but not pictured.]
Find your aldermanic district
Dist. |
Voted for passage of the MORE Ordinance |
Dist. |
Voted against passage of the MORE Ordinance |
1 |
Ald. Ashanti Hamilton, lead sponsor |
15 |
Ald. Willie Hines, Council President |
7 |
Ald. Willie Wade, co-sponsor |
5 |
Ald. James Bohl |
3 |
Ald. Nik Kovac, co-sponsor |
8 |
Ald. Robert Donovan |
6 |
Ald. Milele Coggs, co-sponsor |
9 |
Ald. Robert Puente |
2 |
Ald. Joe Davis |
11 |
Ald. Joe Dudzik |
14 |
Ald. Tony Zielinski |
12 |
Ald. James Witkowiak |
4 |
Ald. Robert Bauman |
13 |
Ald. Terry Witkowski |
10 |
Ald. Michael Murphy |